One of my top blog posts is a “Mini Guide To Holding The Ultimate 1950’s Themed Party“. It’s a high level overview of how to plan your next 1950’s party (food, drink, games, clothing etc.). As the years have gone by I have been asked to do more indepth research on various topics from this post. Today is another one of those days….1950s Desserts. Perfect ideas for any party, event, social gathering or just for enjoying at home.

1950s Vintage Photo: A little girl in Atlantic City screams in amazement at her money-themed ice cream sundae.
Source: Delish

Today’s post contains, vintage ads, vintage cookbooks and recipes. If you have a sweet tooth you are going to want to grab something sugary to snack on after this post.

Let’s begin!

Disclosure: Some of the links on my blog from Etsy , eBay, are Affiliate Links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. 

NOTE: If you click on any of the items featured below and they are not available, don’t fret! Hit the search button and see what else is on the websites. There are 1000’s and 1000’s of items being listed daily.

1950s Dessert Ideas For Your Next Party!

Pretty for Parties….The hostess who serves one or more of these luscious-looking sweets at her next party can be sure of pleasing her guests. Even the not-so-confident cook should, with care, be able to make them.” 1952 vintage food article.

Desserts Featured:

  • Pineapple Party Cake
  • Strawberry Chiffon Pie
  • Fruited Ice-Cream Pavlovas
  • Rhubarb Fantasy
  • Fruit Salad Surprise
  • Orange Wine Snow

Further Reading: Party Foods of the 1950’s

1950s Article for 1950s Party foods (1952)-great ideas for your next 1950s themed party.

Source: Tumblr

I love a good pineapple upside down cake, and my mothers receipe which is from her mother is DELISH!

Here is a vintage pineapple upside down cake 1955 ad showing how to make the cake using different cuts of canned pineapple from the Pineapple Growers Association.

FURTHER READING: Vintage Cake Ideas As Seen Thru 1920s-1950s Ads

Here is a vintage pineapple upside down cake ad showing how to make the cake using different cuts of canned pineapple from the Pineapple Growers Association from 1955.


When one thinks of the 1950s you must think of Jell-O and of course Jell-O Moulds! This 1952 ad from the Toronto Star Weekly features fun recipes for a ‘Hawaiian Fruit Ring’; ‘Grape-Pineapple Mould; ‘Carrot & Apple Salad’ and a ‘Jell-O Fiesta’. All of these are perfect for your 1950s party dessert table.

1950s Vintage Ad for Jell-o featuring a recipe for a Jello Mould-Hawaiian Fruit Ring. Perfect for a 1950s party.

Source: Etsy

Ice Cream! So many ways to enjoy this cold treat. Ice cream sundaes, ice cream floats, banana splits, side of ice cream and so much more!

A 1950s Sealtest Ice Cream vintage advertisement.

1950s Vintage Ad for Sealtest Ice Cream

Source: Flickr

Ice cream floats are one of my fav treats and are super easy to make. Dosen’t this ‘Seven-Up Float” look delish?

Seven-Up Floats vintage 1950s ad -1950s party food.
Source: Pop Culture Safari

“Cool Tangy…Tangerine Sealtest Sherbet” YUM! A 1950s vintage ad from the July 21, 1958, issue of “Life.”

1950s Vintage Food Ad: "Cool Tangy...Tangerine Sealtest Sherbet" YUM! A 1950s vintage ad from the July 21, 1958, issue of "Life."

Source: Etsy

“Party Desserts that are exciting, different!” A vintage Borden’s Eagle Brand recipe booklet from the 1950’s. (avail as of July 3rd, 2022 HERE).

Vintage cookbooks are a great way to have on demand vintage party foods for whatever occasion you are hosting. You can find loads online on websites like Etsy or even at your local vintage store. Happy collecting!

Featuring (on this page):

  • Marshmallow Roll
  • Applesauce Refigerator Cake
  • Cheesless Cheese Cake
  • Date & Nut Roll
  • Lemon Snow Freeze

Further Reading: Let’s Get Cooking: Vintage Cookbooks 1940s & 1950s

1950s Party Desserts Recipes from a Vintage 1950’s Recipe Booklet, Borden’s Eagle Brand 70 Magic Recipes.
Vintage 1950’s Recipe Booklet, Borden’s Eagle Brand 70 Magic Recipes

Source: Etsy

Baked Alaska aka Bombe Alaska-Make it with ‘Peters Ice Cream’.

Have you ever had this dessert? I have not but it looks so interesting!

Brief History of this dessert: The earliest version of Baked Alaska appeared in 1802 with Thomas Jefferson. He was one of the first presidents of the USA to serve ice cream at a state banquet in the White House. Legend has it that Jefferson asked for the ice cream to be encased in a hot pastry, creating one of the first versions of Baked Alaska. In 1804, American physicist Benjamin Thompson Rumford (who invented coffee percolators) was looking into the resistance of beaten egg whites to heat. Beaten egg whites are basically just meringue. He inadvertently ended up with his own version of a Bombe Alaska and nicknamed it ‘omelette surprise’ (Source).

1950s vintage ad for Baked Alaska aka Bombe Alaska-Make it with 'Peters Ice Cream' featuring a 1950s housewife holding the 1950s dessert.

Nothing says 1950s desserts like a Fruit Cocktail from Del Monte! The food ad features a recipe for ‘Five-Fruit Parfait’; ‘Super-Fruit Salad’ and of course the Fruit Cocktail itself.

Nothing says 1950s desserts like a Fruit Cocktail from Del Monte! The 1950s ad features a recipe for 'Five-Fruit Parfait'; 'Super-Fruit Salad' and of course the Fruit Cocktail itself.

Source: Etsy

Angel Food Cake! Oh yes that is a must for a taste of the 1950s and now you can make it at home with the recipe below, straight from a 50s cookbook.

1950s vintage recipe for Angel Food Cake. Perfect for any 1950s Party / Retro Event!


Did you know that banana cream pie was the most popular dessert among American soldiers in the 1950s (source)?

1952 vintage ad for ‘My-T-Fine Dessert Pie Filling’ featuring a recipe for Banana Cream Pie.

1952 vintage ad for 'My-T-Fine Dessert Pie Filling' featuring a recipe for Banana Cream Pie. Perfect 1950s Party food!

Source: Reddit

Back in the 1950s, in an effort to sell more canned peaches, National Peach Cobbler Day, which is April 13, was created by the Georgia Peach Council (Source). Enjoy making this vintage recipe.

1950s Peach Cobbler Recipe-Vintage Recipe.


1958 Good Housekeeping’s “Book of Delectable Desserts” cookbook (avail as of June 4th, 2022 HERE)

1950s Desserts: 1958 Good Housekeeping's "Book of Delectable Desserts" vintage cookbook

Here is just a sample of some of the desserts recipes available to make. A good custard or pudding goes a long way at a party.

1950s Vintage cookbook from 1958 featuring dessert recipes for Custards, souffles and puddings.

Source: Etsy

My last dessert I am sharing with all of you, is a ‘Party Pinwheel’ featuring ‘Jell-O Pudding & Pie Filling’ as seen in a 1957 advertisement. It would 100% be a show stopper at your party!

“Tropic-ripened pineapple…tasty jelly roll slices…all set off with wholesome, creamy-smooth Jell-O Pudding & Pie Filling”.

1950s Vintage Ad: 'Party Pinwheel' featuring 'Jell-O Pudding & Pie Filling' as seen in a 1957 advertisement.

Source: Etsy

Israel’s beauty pageant winners of 1950 keep cool with ice pops on a hot Tel Aviv day.

1950s vintage photo: Israel’s beauty pageant winners of 1950 keep cool with ice pops on a hot Tel Aviv day


I hope this post helped you feel inspired for your next parties dessert table or brought back some nostalgia for desserts you have enjoyed in the past (or maybe currently enjoy).

Question Time: Are any of the above desserts your favourite? Would you make any of the recipes yourself? Share any thoughts you may have on this topic in the comments section below.

Further Reading:


Party Games, Party Decor, 1950s Music, 1950s Fashion & More

Thanks for dropping by!
