
Tag: 1950s vintage images

Vintage Photo Tuesday-Back To School

Here in Canada the kids have been back in school for a full week now and everyone’s routines are set, so I figured it’s a perfect time to share my Vintage Photo Tuesday“- Back to School Post.

Off we go!

(Note: Some of the links on my blog from Etsy are Affiliate Links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase)

1950s two children running with lunchboxes
(Photo by Lambert/Getty Images)

1930’s Photo: Leather straps to hold one’s books work well for these 2 boys on their way to class.

Two small boys, carrying a satchels, walks to school circa 1930's.
(Photo by FPG/Getty Images)

Back to School with coolest 1950’s kids around.

1950s back to school photo of two children vintage
Source: Etsy
Vintage Photo, Black & White Photo, Clean Cut School Children, Back to School 1950s
Source: Etsy

Teeny tiny lunch boxes, for teeny tiny kids. Love the matching hair bows!

1950s vintage photo of kids going to school with lunchboxes
Source: Etsy

Homecoming parade-1940’s High School Majorette.

Vintage 1940's Cute High School Majorette Ready For Parade
Source: Etsy

One of the fun things about going back to school is meeting up with old friends again and hanging out between classes. Howard University-1946.

howard university students 1940s vintage photo

Back to school, means back to classes like in this 1935 cooking class photo (I would totally be the girl with the lack of excitement on her face).

Cooking Class, 1935. Vintage Photo
Source: Etsy

Return to class is not just for the students but also the teachers. “Regretfully, Edna P. “Teach”.

1930s Vintage Photograph- English Teacher at Desk
Source: Etsy

Say Cheese it’s Photo Time! 1940s High School Photos.

1940s High School Year Book Vintage Photo Collection
Source: Etsy

1946 Howard University students-Take note, this is how you dress for school or even going to the grocery store.

1946 Howard University students. well dressed Black men in College
Source: Flavorwire

Freshman class, 1944 at the School of Nursing-North Carolina Baptist Hospital.

Freshman Class, North Carolina Baptist Hospital School of Nursing, 1944
Source: Flickr

Daydreaming during class, Florida, March 1947.

A girl daydreaming during class, Florida, March 1947.
Source: Pinterest. Photo by Allan Grant
circa 1955: A little girl and boy carrying a lunch pails and notebooks stand near a school zone traffic sign.
(Photo by Lambert/Getty Images)

And there you have this week’s Vintage Photo Tuesday. I hope you enjoyed spending a few moments going Back to School with me.

Question Time: Do you have fond memories of heading back to class or not so great memories (share in the comments below)? I personally loved the first day back at school, it was everything after I was not fond of. Ha Ha!


Vintage Photo Tuesday: Family Time

This past Monday, here in Ontario Canada we celebrated Family Day. It’s an official day off designated for spending time with your family, in whatever form that may be. The hubby and I spent it enjoying a quiet day together just hanging out, nothing too exciting this year (but it was still very nice).

In honour of that special day, I wanted Vintage Photo Tuesday to be all about “Family Time” in the 1940’s and 1950’s.

1950's vintage illustration of family time
Source: Pinterest

Disclosure: Some of the links on my blog from Etsy , eBay, are Affiliate Links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

1940’s family photo with grandma (and can we take a moment to admire the hat on the one lady..wow!).

1940s family photo with grandma vintage image
Source: eBay

Paying a visit to Cleveland Park, 1940’s.

1940s vintage photo of a family Paying a visit to Cleveland Park, 1940's. Super 1940s fashions.
Source: eBay

Coming together over food is a tradition in every family, big or small. 1950s vintage photo.

1950's african american / Black  family at thanksgiving dinner. 1950s vintage photo.
Source: eBay

“Little boy blue, come blow your horn”. 1940s vintage photo. LOVE the plaid coats!

1940s family with little boy and horn. A 1940s vintage image
Source: eBay

The family boat ride. I hope the photographer did not eventually fall off the boat. 1950s vintage photo.

1950s vintage boat ride / 1950s family photo / summer time fun.
Source: Etsy

Going to the beach, is always a fun idea. 1950s vintage photo.

1950s vintage image of family on the beach in 1950s summer time fashions.
Source: eBay

Me and My Gal, spending some quality time together. 1950s vintage photo.

1950's vintage image of  a Black couple at the beach in 1950s swimsuits
Source: Etsy

Beautiful days are meant for picnics in the woods. 1950s vintage photo.

1950's vintage colour image of family enjoying a picnic together.
Source: eBay

Adorable little girl and her dad time. 1950s vintage photo.

1950's little girl with dad in front of vintage car. 1950s vintage image
Source: eBay

Many families also consider pets, part of the family (I know my family does). 1940s vintage photo.

1940's black and white photo of women and their dog in 1940s fashions posing together.
Source: eBay

A couple and their beloved boxer. 1940s vintage image.

 1940s vintage image of a couple posing together with their boxer dog.
Source: eBay

When TV started to enter the home, family time moved in front of it (and hasn’t left).

1950s vintage image of a family watching tv
Source: The Times UK

If you have siblings, you may have been forced into the “lets put you in matching outfits and pretend like you all love each other” photo. Ahhh family time, sometimes it can be awkward. 1950s vintage image.

1950's kids in matching cowboy outfits at christmas. 1950s vintage image
Source: eBay

This family has great Atlantic City Boardwalk style, but I do feel like they kind of wish they were not taking this photo (another awkward family moment).

1950s vintage phot of a family in 1950s summer time fashions posing together on the boardwalk.
Source: Etsy

And that concludes Vintage Photo Tuesday for this week, hope you enjoyed it. Next VPT will be all about “Trips” as march break quickly approaches.

Have a great day friends!
